
We generally perform concerts at Easter, Summer and Christmas. Our upcoming events and social gatherings are listed below. Keep an eye on Facebook, Instagram and for local posters when tickets go on sale closer to the events.

Upcoming Concerts

Easter Concert, Saturday 12th April 2025 at All Saints Church, South Street, Castle Cary. Doors open from 7.00pm for a 7.30pm start. One of our concerts to celebrate our Diamond Jubilee. We are excited to be joined by Wincanton Silver Band, to raise funds for All Saints Church.  Advance tickets, £10.00, will be available from Bailey Hill Bookshop and the Tourist Information Office in Castle Cary, and online from Ticket Source. Tickets at the door will be £12.00. More information can be found at the All Saints’ webpage here.

Diamond Jubilee Concert, Saturday 31st May 2025 at Sherborne Abbey, Sherborne. Doors open from 7.00pm for a 7.30pm start. The diamond jewel in our crown this year. Within the stunning surroundings and acoustics of Sherborne Abbey, we will be raising funds for the Breast Cancer Care Unit at Yeovil District Hospital. This is promising to be a unique event, with some special guest local musical virtuosos supporting us. Ticket details to follow soon!

Summer Concert, June 2025, date and location to be confirmed.

Christmas Concert, December 2025, date and time to be confirmed.


Saturday 14th June, 9.00am to 12.00 midday, Coffee Morning at Castle Cary Market House. Come and see us at the Market House in Castle Cary, where we will be hosting the ever popular weekly coffee morning. There will be fresh coffee and yummy homemade cakes, and a chance to have a chat to choir members. Proceeds will go the Choir to supports our charitable goals.


We rehearse every Monday, 7.30pm to 9.30pm at Castle Cary Methodist Church, Upper High Street, Castle Cary, Somerset, BA7 7AT.

We meet throughout the year, with the exception of July and August and a short break over Christmas.